Monday, September 13, 2010

What's a "donk donk"?

What's a Donk Donk?
My daughter Megan won an Itouch

and we all were amazed!
At how quickly my Grand daugther
learned to find the Games and play them...
she loves to "touch" the Apps
And says "donk" when she picks them.
So her mother got one from Ebay...
Now its really sad when my 25 yr old son,
begs his 3yr old niece to play with the
"donk donk".... Haha.
I guess I'm going to have to get one
so they won't fight...
SSShhh... I want one to.
Apple you named it wrong its not
an Itouch its a "donk donk".


farmhouse wares said...

That's adorable. I still don't have a donk, donk, but I want one, too.

monART said...

Dear Mona :) thank you for taking the time to leave a comment at my blog. It was such a lovely read. I hopped to your blog and yes it is so much fun and enjoyment. May God bless you this week, as He certainly will anyway :)

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