Sunday, February 8, 2009

Unexplained Joy

I have had many simple Joys and blessings in my Life. 
I keep many memories of those special Joys close to my heart.
Some times my heart opens up to an unexpected moment 
as if God is giving me an exquisite gift.
 And what God gives me is never lost...
it is kept in my heart forever. 
One of the sweetest Gifts God gave me...
is my children.

These are my Children 
Melise           Britton          Megan

The treasure of memorable moments 
are filled with that of tiny hands 
and tiny feet, 
of quiet times together, 
of warm and Loving hugs and kisses, 
of holding on to a small hand,
and of letting it go so they could grow. 
My eyes have seen a glimpse of God, 
through watching my children grow. 
I'm sure God has laughed with me 
when ever I have laughed 
with my children and 
God must know the simple delights 
of being a parent, 
because I am His child. 
One of the sweetest gifts 
that life can bring, 
is when you know the plans 
that God has made for your children 
are unfolding before you 
and you know 
He holds eternity in His hands. 

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Grand Daughters Confessions

I want to tell you about these people, 
I think God gave them to me.
Their Odd, but wonderful,,, 
their called Grandparents.
I'm only 18 months old, 
I would advise you to get some
I found out 
mine will do some silly, 
but entertaining things... 
that really make me laugh!
will play in my ball pit with me,
and put on crazy things 
and dance with my friends...

My Gege 
will slide with me 
through curly tunnel slides...
and run with me through sand...

They are both good swingers... 

And they really like to take me 
to some interesting places 
and we have some real fun there... 

The best Thing about My Grand parents 
is that I can play some 
pretty interesting games with them.
This one was fun!!!
"Ok Grandaddy I'll stick this on your nose",

"and Gege this one's for your nose",

"and this one's for mine",

"and now we match"!

I teach my Grand parents lots of stuff,
they learn pretty fast...
"All you do Grandaddy 
is turn that shiny ball
and then we can go out side".
"See close up your fingers like this, 
it's easy"!
" I've got this Gege",,,
"Go,Grandaddy, Go, 
it IS fun dancing to the "Boss"!!

"All you do is put this 
right there in that space".

My Grand Parents are pretty incredible.
All they want is a huggy moment.
And I even have fun when we do that.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

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