...if we honor our Father and Mother,

you will have a long life on earth,
FULL of blessings.
Rita (Dugan) Evanochko/Grammy
We have been honored this month
to be able to enjoy moments and
make memories with my husbands Mother.
Some may consider that she
has already lived a long life
{she is getting on in her birthday's
coming close to the Big 90}
We were privileged to watch her
getting to know her first Great Grand Child,
our oldest daughter's little sweet pea. Who
laughed with and LOVED her Great Grammy.
A busy month, she also celebrated our
Son's College Graduation with us
at Auburn University.
We enjoyed having her with us for our
Memorial Day Gathering at my Parents home.
We've been busy shopping and out to eat,
She is always sooo sweet to buy us a treat.

I've found two new things,
after all these years of knowing her
that she and I share a Love for,
Donuts and to my surprise Mosaic's.
As an Artist I mosaic many things,
and after introducing her to how its done,
she got hooked, and created many Crosses.
Our last adventure will be a road trip
to Key West, Florida, to watch our neice,
my mother-in-laws Grand Daughter
get married on the beach.
After the wedding,
Mom, as I have always called her,
will be returning home to New Jersey
where she still lives in the home
she bought 56 years ago, with her husband,
Frank, (our Pop) who has gone to be with Jesus.

I pray she returns home
bestowed upon her by our
Lord Jesus the Messiah.
It has been our pleasure and honor
to have her spend this time with us.
Great post!
and thank you!
your bill
That was really great mama@
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