My sweet Son
is about to
Graduate college in May.
Well, he has to now,
we already gave him his
Graduation Gift.
We are probably the most
impracticable parents in the world... 

or we are the sweetest.
We helped him buy.......... a puppy.
No its not a chocolate Lab
It's a Chesapeake Bay Retriever,,,
A what you ask?
( Look here-
and here's a picture of an older "Chessie"

Britton named him
"Master Sergeant of Auburn"
"Sarge" is what we will call him,
aren't puppies cute!
This is what I live for
My Children's smiles
My Grandchild's delightful giggles
My Husband's hugs and kisses
1 comment:
Oooh! Sarge, welcome to the fam!
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