..."as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."(Joshua 24:15)
If you read "About Me" in my side bar the first thing you will learn is that I'm an Airforce Brat. My Daddy served 23 years in the Airforce, while the U.S. fought two wars ( The Korean and Vietnam war).
We recently learned my Daddy has an incurable Lymphoma Cancer, probably due to exposure to Agent Orange. Thats the bad news, the "HAPPY" news is my Daddy and our family believe GOD
is in control and has a plan for us all; and my Daddy has not let this news control his "HAPPINESS".
I want to Thank My Daddy for his service to our Country, and all the Men and Women who have and are giving of themselves for our Liberty.
God Bless you all.
My Daddy has always been Pop
to his Grand Children.
Take a look at the video's of My
"Happy" Daddy.
With his Great Grand Daughter
Who has choosen to call him Poppy.
I love you Daddy